Google Glass Video

The final frontier of video is not having a video camera. Simply carrying a video camera into a situation changes the situation, and rarely for the better. This Diane Von Fusterberg/Google Glass collabo shows another way. The quality is not great, image isn’t really stabilized for walking, but it still shows a pretty good video edited from the head-mounted perspectives of designers, stylists and models at a fashion show. There are a lot of events that these videos would be great for, especially if the Google Glass head-mounted computers got a bit less obtrusive.
Like, build them into Wayfarers and you’re done. Right now amateur photography is great because the tech is easy and you can get great results. Amateur video, however, is very hard. The problems Google Glass doesn’t crack are sound and image stabilization, but if you’re covering an even or a scene, simply putting wearable cameras on the main players is a very interesting way to go.


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